Aix-en-Provence, France
In the heart of Provence, Aix-en-Provence is best known for being the birthplace of the artist Paul Cézanne. Join us for a fascinating journey through time. First founded in 123 BC due to a water fountain, this city grew in importance during the roman times, becoming the capital of Provence in the Middle Ages. See the 1860-built monumental fountain of La Rotonde that once marked the town’s entrance, at the beginning of Cours Mirabeau. Pass the main street of Aix, Cours Mirabeau, that divides the Old Town and the Mazarin Quarter and where cafés, brasseries, and retail stores are seamlessly integrated into 17th and 18th-century majestic buildings. Discover the cathedral of Saint Sauveur (Holy Savior Cathedral), the oldest part of Aix-en-Provence, also the site of a pre-Roman pagan temple and then a Roman temple. The 1200 years of construction led to the mix of different styles seen today. It is a testimony to Aix’s perseverance and prosperity over the centuries. You will trace the steps of most important painters of the 19th century, contemplate life in medieval Aix and get intrigued by the French resistance against the Nazi occupation. All sprinkled with hidden jewels in the form of elegant fountains, picturesque courtyards, and inspired architecture.
Cezanne Statue
La Rotonde Cours Mirabeau
Place des Quatre Dauphins
L’Église Saint Jean de Malte
Fountain of King René (La Fontaine de Roi René)
Les Deux Garçons
Le Palais de Justice
La Place d’Albertas
Place Richelme / Halle aux Grains
La Place de la Mairie
Cathédrale Saint Sauveur (Holy Savior Cathedral)
Pre-roman pagan influence
Roman foundations of the old town
Famous artist Paul Cezanne
Foundation of Aix
Provincial 17th and 18th century flair of the Cours Mirabeau
Part played by the many fountains
Rise of the gothic style in 13th century France
Count King René
Brasserie Les Deux Garçons! and those who frequented it, like Cézanne, the writer Zola, the poet Lamartine or even Ernest Hemingway