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Treasures of Switzerland and Germany (3EUCHDE28)

7 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024
Max People : 4
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City

Zurich & Munich

Price Includes

  • Reference price is per pax price when 4 pax travelling together
  • Private roundtrip airport and station transfer (wagon)
  • Private transportation services for tours as stated in the itinerary (2 pax-sedan 3-4 pax wagon)
  • 6 nights hotel accommodation with full breakfast
  • English Speaking guide for tours as stated in the itinerary (other languages available, subject for confirmation)
  • Zurich 2 hours
  • Lucerne 2 hours
  • Munich 3 hours
  • Entrance Fee: Return Mt Pilatus
  • Entrance Fee: Lake Lucerne Cruise
  • 4 Days Eurail pass
  • Basic Travel Insurance

Price Excludes

  • Porterage at the Airport/Station and Hotel
  • Airport and Station assistance (arrival and departure)
  • Meals: Lunch and Dinner
  • Tips for guides and drivers
  • Airticket


  • None

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Zurich (3N): BRISTOL (3*)

Terms & Conditions


Day 1Zurich

Welcome to Zurich – the cosmopolitan city by the water! Designed with your comfort in mind, we have arranged a driver for your pick-up transfer direct from airport to your hotel

Day 2Zurich

In this 2-hour private tour, you get to discover this unique city, awarded multiple times as “City of Best Quality of Life”, and see the castle-like National Museum, the shopping and business center on Bahnhofstrasse, the Limmatquai with its medieval Old Town and view of the Lindenhof, where the brave women of Zurich saved the city from the invaders. Continue on to the largest church clock-face in Europe on St. Peter, then to the patriarchal Guild Houses, and The Opera house, with its famous June-Festivals.

Afternoon is free on your own to explore the city.

Day 3Zurich - Lucerne - Mt Pilatus - Zurich

Today you will get to explore the spectacular Swiss Alps on this day trip to Mt. Pilatus via Lucerne.

From your hotel, you will be taken to the station via private transfer. Take the 2nd class train to Lucerne, then an onward train to Mt. Pilatus.

Upon arrival in Lucerne, an assistant will take you to the platform for your ascend to Mt. Pilatus via Alpnachstad. Upon arrival in Alpnachstad, take the cogwheel train or cable car to the summit of Mt. Pilatus for spectacular views 2,132 meters above sea level. Go inside the panorama gallery for stunning mountain views, or visit the terraces to climb up one of the peaks.

Return back to Lucerne by taking the train to Alpnachstad, then enjoy a boat trip on Lake Lucerne and a view of the surrounding mountains.

In Lucerne, meet your guide for a walking tour of the town starting at the Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke). Enjoy a walk where you see a cluster of medieval houses at the Muhleplatz, Weinmarkt, Hirschenplatz, and Kornmarkt. Also stop at the Lion Monument.

Day 4Zurich - Munich

After check out, private transfer to the station for your train ride to Munich. Upon arrival in Munich, your driver will take your direct to hotel for check in.

Day 5Munich

Meet with your driver and guide at the hotel lobby for a half day tour of Munich.

Sometimes called the “Village of One Million” Munich is a southern city located near the Alps. This wonderfully charming 800-year-old city is the capital of Bavaria and the home of the world-famous Oktoberfest. Enjoy a delightful morning tour as we discover the sights of Munich such as the world famous Hofbräuhaus, the National Theatre with the Royal Palace, Marienplatz and the Viktualien Market with its colourful outdoor stalls.

Day 6Munich

Spend the day at leisure

Day 7Munich

At the desired time, meet your driver at hotel lobby for private transfer to airport.


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