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7D6N The Secrets of the Ancient Crafts Azerbaijan (WWT22233)

7 Days
Availability : Oct '23 - Dec '24
Max People : 8
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City


Price Includes

  • Accommodation for 4 nights at 3/4/5* hotel in Baku, 1 night at 3/4/5* hotel in Sheki and 1 night in a rural house in the village of Lagich
  • Breakfasts at the hotels
  • Transfers: Airport - Hotel - Airport
  • Comfortable transportation during excursions
  • Services of an English-speaking guide
  • Entrance fees to museums (except Shirvanshah Palace & Maiden Tower)

Price Excludes

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Meals (Lunches and Dinners)
  • Medical Insurance
  • Personal expenses and expenses not mentioned
  • E-visa to Azerbaijan


  • Non-English speaking guide service (e.g. Chinese speaking guide)$145 (for entire tour / not per person)
  • MealsSTD Lunch at local restauraunt $30 per person per meal, STD Dinner at local restauraunt $36 per person per meal

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Baku (3*): Diplomat or Aksent or Auroom Hotel or similar
  • Sheki (3*): Macara Hotel or similar
  • Lagich (3/4/5*): Lagich Rural Village house or similar
  • Baku (4*): Midtown Hotel or similar
  • Sheki (4*): Sheki Palace or similar
  • Baku (5*): Theatrum Hotel, Promenade Hotel or similar
  • Sheki (5*): Marxal Resort & SPA or similar

Tipping Guidelines

Suggested Tipping for Worldwide destination
Assistant for Transfer
USD5/Per Person
Driver for Transfer
USD5/Per Person
Half Day Guide
USD5/Per Person
Half Day Driver
USD5/Per Person
Full Day Guide
USD5/Per Person
Full Day Driver
USD5/Per Person
This valid for all destination under worldwide.

Terms & Conditions



– Arrival in Baku
– Greeting guests at the airport, transfer and accommodation at the hotel
– Leisure time and overnight at the hotel

Day 2BAKU (B)

– Breakfast at the hotel.
– The tour starts with a visit to Highland Park. Highland Park is located on a hill in the western part of the city. This is the best place to see the city and Baku bay.
– Next, the guests will visit the Old City – with its fortified walls, historic buildings and narrow cobbled streets. Guests will appreciate the main attractions of the Old Town, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and the famous Maiden Tower. Just imagine that the stones under your feet keep the history of this ancient city – its honor and glory, misfortunes and sorrows.
– During the walk, you will definitely feel that the air here smells like magic – the sea air, smelling of salt and oil, is mixed with the aromas of oriental spices and kebabs, flowing from numerous restaurants. Baku is like a young girl, is full of energy, beautiful, bright and full of life. It is ready to change, but, nevertheless, follows the precepts of the ancestors. Behind the walls the city life rages, and in the Old City everything is quiet and decorous, as it has been for centuries. Baku citizens do not like to live in a hurry.
– A trip to the Azer-Ilme carpet factory.
Next, guests will have a trip to the Azer-Ilme factory – where modern national carpets are made. Azerbaijani carpets, the high quality and fame allows them to spread widely throughout the world, and to be in great demand today. The factory at the modern technological level contributes to the further development of the traditional art of carpet weaving in Azerbaijan, which has made an invaluable cultural and material contribution to the treasury of world civilization. Here you can see the whole process of their creation – from beginning to end. In the dye shop, it will be shown how the threads are dyed with natural colorants, then carpets are woven from these threads in the weaving shop. Then they are washed, dried and ironed. Here you can get familiarized with the work of restorers, carefully restoring old samples of national carpet art.
– The Azer-Ilme Gallery presents the best examples of unique Azerbaijani carpets and rugs. Besides it, the factory owns a shop where everyone can buy their favorite carpets, as well as women’s silk scarves.
– Next, there is a trip to the national restaurant (for extra charge), where the guests will taste the national dishes, as well as will have the opportunity to see the process of tandoor cooking (a special kind of bread) in a special oven of the same name.
– Free time. Overnight in Baku.


– Breakfast. Departure from the hotel.
– A trip to the village of Baskal. We begin our journey to the Ismayilli region, where you will learn about the unique Kelagai manufacturing process. Azerbaijani ā€œKelagaiā€ is a traditional women’s silk scarf. It determined the age and social status of the woman: the older the woman, the darker were the colors of her scarf ā€” mostly black or blue, whilst young women wore light-colored scarves ā€” white, beige, light blue, etc. ā€œKelagaiā€ was tied in various ways depending on the region. The process of hot dyeing silk – ā€œbatikā€ – is very complex and is performed in several stages. You will enjoy the work of the masters, as well as will be able to try yourself as a kelagai master.
– Moving to the village Lagich (visiting Lagich is possible only under appropriate weather conditions), which is a historical and Architectural Reserve Lagich.
– Lagich is a unique monument of Persian urban planning and an architectural object of the Middle Ages. It is a medieval city with cobbled streets and squares, a well-developed water supply and sewerage system. The village is inhabited by tanners, engravers, potters, blacksmiths, wood and metal carvers, passing their knowledge from generation to generation. During the tour you will also see an ancient bridge connecting two villages, a 16th century stone water supply and samples of dwellings from the 19th century with frescoes; we will also visit the local history museum, where ancient carpets and brass items are stored.
– Next, you will organize a walk through the village, you will visit the workshops of blacksmiths, engravers, potters and other artisans. You can also buy a product you like or order a thing that will be made on the spot.
– Dinner and overnight in the local house, where you can experience the very essence of the Caucasian family and live the life of the villagers.
– Overnight in Lagich


– Moving to Sheki. Sheki is one of the most famous and ancient places in Azerbaijan. Located at 700 meters above sea level, the city is surrounded by mountains and oak forests shaped as an amphitheater. For a long time this ancient city was considered the center of sericulture and was an important node on the Silk Road. We will begin our tour with a visit to the 18th century Summer Khan’s Palace, famous for its amazing frescoes and outstanding glass works.
– Next, we will visit the Shebeke workshop (hand-made murals), the workshop for the production of the famous Sheki pakhlava and the weaving workshop, where the unique local ā€œTekulduzā€ technique will be displayed. Walking along the streets, we will also attend various craft workshops.
– Overnight in Sheki


– Breakfast in Sheki
– Moving to Baku
– Free time
– Overnight in Baku


– Breakfast at the hotel
– Excursion to the village of Gala
Gala – Museum-Reserve of Absheron Peninsula History
Ethnographic open-air museum “”Gala”” is located about 40 minutes from Baku and is a museum that was created on the site of archaeological excavations.
– In the village, which is about five thousand years old, there are a number of neighborhoods that have survived to this day. During the tour, guests will get acquainted with the ancient dwellings, with the life of the past, traditions, and methods of farming.
– Tour participants will be told about the way of life of people who lived here many centuries ago, and show the real objects of that time. However, the most important thing is not introduction to the museum exhibits, but the opportunity of immersion into ancient life. In this museum, guests can bake real bread or try themselves clay sculpting.
– Farewell dinner at a traditional restaurant
– Return to the hotel
– Overnight at the hotel in Baku


– Breakfast at the hotel
– Free time
– Check-out from the hotel
– Transfer to the Baku International Airport for departure back to your hometown.



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