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balkans travel

balkans travel , Travelling Balkans , Balkans private tour , Balkans tour , Balkans vacation , Explore Balkans , Balkans Itinerary , Balkans Holidays , Balkans Trip Planner , Balkans trip , Balkan Holidays , Explore the Balkans , train travel in the balkans

A lot of people have heard about Croatia already, no doubt there. But when we start to mention the Balkans or the Balkan region, questions can arise. Allow us to write a bit more about this hidden region of the world and the best way for you to explore the Balkans. For introduction, you can take a look at our map and visualize for yourself where the Balkan is and which countries do “belong” to this geographical region. The Balkans, also known as the Balkan Peninsula, is a geographic area in Southeast Europe with various definitions and meanings. balkans travel guide The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains that stretch throughout the whole of Bulgaria from the Serbian–Bulgarian border to the Black Sea coast.

Balkans Travel

Picturesque Mountains and Tranquil Lakes

Travel Facts
Travel Advice
Travel Guide

A Taste of Croatia (3EUHR21)

6 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024

Essence of Serbia (3EURS20)

8 Days
Availability : Mar - Dec 2024

8D7N Venetian Voyage – Venice, Slovenia, & Croatia (ECT222134)

8 days
Availability : June '24 - December '24

Scenic Slovenia (3EUSI48)

5 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024

7D6N The Land of Eagles – Albania (ECT222133)

7 days
Availability : June '24 - December '24

9D8N Transylvania Tales – Romania & Bulgaria (ECT222132)

9 days
Availability : June '24 - December '24

Mystic Montenegro (3EUME08)

7 Days
Availability : Mar - Dec 2024

7 Days Secret of the Balkans (3EUMK07)

7 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024

8D7N Adriatic Treasures – Croatia, Slovenia, & Bosnia (ECT222130)

8 days
Availability : June '24 - December '24

Pearls of Croatia & Slovenia (3EUSIHR39)

7 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024


Travel facts

The Balkans is a region in southeastern Europe that is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Here are some travel facts for the Balkans that you might find interesting:

– The name “Balkan” comes from a Turkish word that means “mountain”. The region has many mountain ranges, such as the Dinaric Alps, the Rhodope Mountains, and the Carpathian Mountains. The highest peak in the Balkans is Musala in Bulgaria, which reaches 2,925 meters above sea level.

– A diverse mix of languages and religions. Some of the languages spoken in the region are Albanian, Greek, Romanian, and various Slavic languages. The main religions are Christianity (Eastern Orthodox and Catholic) and Islam. Some countries have more than one official language, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian.

– The region has a rich and complex history, influenced by various civilizations throughout the centuries. From the Roman and Ottoman empires to the Byzantines and beyond, the Balkans have seen it all and carry the remnants of these historical periods.

– Natural beauty abounds in the Balkans. From the stunning Adriatic coastline and its beautiful beaches to the majestic mountain ranges like the Dinaric Alps and the Balkan Mountains, outdoor enthusiasts will find plenty to explore and enjoy.

– A food lover’s paradise. Indulge in delicious dishes like cevapi (grilled meat), moussaka, burek (flaky pastry), and gyros. Don’t forget to sample the local wines and rakija (fruit brandy) for a truly authentic experience.

– Traditional music and dance are an integral part of Balkan culture. The region is known for its vibrant folk music and energetic dance performances. Get ready to tap your feet and join in the lively celebrations.

– The Balkans is home to numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites. From the well-preserved Old Town of Dubrovnik in Croatia to the ancient ruins of Butrint in Albania and the impressive monasteries of Meteora in Greece, there are countless cultural treasures to discover.

– Outdoor activities are abundant in the Balkans. Go hiking in the picturesque national parks, enjoy thrilling water sports along the coastline, or venture into the caves and canyons for an adrenaline rush.

Best time to go 

Generally, the optimal time to visit the Balkans is during the spring or fall seasons when the temperatures are moderate and the weather is pleasant. Let’s take a closer look at the ideal time to visit each country in the Balkans:

  1. Croatia: The best time to visit Croatia is from May to September when the weather is warm and sunny, perfect for exploring the stunning coastline and islands. However, be aware that July and August can be quite crowded, so consider visiting in the shoulder months of May, June, or September for a more relaxed experience.

  2. Greece: The best time to visit Greece is from April to October, with the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) being particularly pleasant. These months offer milder temperatures, fewer crowds, and affordable prices compared to the peak summer season.

  3. Slovenia: The best time to visit Slovenia is during the months of May to September when the weather is mild and ideal for outdoor activities. The summer months of July and August are popular for exploring the beautiful lakes, caves, and hiking trails, but do expect more tourists during this time.

  4. Montenegro: The best time to visit Montenegro is from May to September when the weather is warm and sunny. This is the perfect time for exploring the stunning coastline, visiting the picturesque towns of Kotor and Budva, and enjoying water activities in the Adriatic Sea.

  5. Romania: The best time to visit Romania is from May to September when the weather is pleasant and suitable for exploring the country’s charming cities, picturesque countryside, and the stunning landscapes of the Carpathian Mountains. However, do keep in mind that the winter months can be quite cold, especially in the mountainous regions.

  6. Bulgaria: The best time to visit Bulgaria is during the spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) seasons. These months offer milder temperatures, fewer tourists, and beautiful nature, making it an ideal time for exploring the country’s rich history, vibrant cities, and breathtaking mountains.


Morocco , North Africa , Marrakech , Sahara desert , Atlas Mountains , Essaouira

Travel advice

Start your visit within the salmon-pink walls of the Medina of Marrakech, which contrasts with the white, jagged peaks of the nearby Atlas Mountains and serves as the inspiration for the city’s nickname, the Red City. This ancient part of Marrakech houses the famous Jemaa El Fna square that brims with food vendors selling everything from sheep’s heads to snails beneath creamy awnings. From here, allow yourself to be lured down the shadowy alleyways to souks (or markets) filled with cones of burgundy-, auburn- and citrine-hued spices exuding an aromatic haze. Stroll past the carpet sellers, with their cobalt-, jade-, and crimson-threaded merchandise, and make your way to architectural marvels like Koutoubia Mosque and the Bahia Palace. Should you desire a break from the medina’s bustling streets, retreat to a hammam (public bath) or Majorelle Garden.

I’ve got some tips and tricks up my sleeve to make your journey through the Balkans a breeze. Here we go:

1. Plan Ahead: Before embarking on your Balkan adventure, do some research and plan your itinerary in advance. Take note of the must-visit destinations, transportation options, and any necessary travel documents or visas required for each country you plan to visit.

2. Pack Smart: The Balkans can have varying climates, so pack accordingly. Bring comfortable walking shoes, lightweight clothing for the warm months, and a jacket or layers for cooler evenings. Don’t forget essentials like sunscreen, a hat, and insect repellent for outdoor activities.

3. Be Respectful: The Balkans have diverse cultures and traditions, so it’s important to be respectful of local customs. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites, observe local etiquette, and learn a few basic phrases in the local language to show your appreciation.

4. Sample Local Cuisine: One of the best ways to experience a new culture is through its food! Don’t miss the opportunity to try traditional Balkan dishes like cevapi, moussaka, sarma, and baklava. Venture beyond touristy areas and seek out local eateries for an authentic culinary experience.

5. Stay Hydrated: Exploring the Balkans can be exciting but also tiring, especially during the warmer months. Stay hydrated by carrying a water bottle with you and refilling it whenever possible. It’s essential to keep yourself refreshed and energized for your adventures.

6. Stay Connected: Make sure to have a reliable way to stay connected during your travels. Whether it’s getting a local SIM card or utilizing portable Wi-Fi devices, having internet access can be helpful for navigation, communication, and accessing travel information on the go.

7. Embrace the Unexpected: Sometimes, the most memorable experiences come from unexpected moments. Embrace the spontaneity of travel, be open to new experiences, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by the hidden gems you stumble upon during your Balkan adventure.

So, there you have it—some travel advice to make your journey through the Balkans a fantastic one. Pack your sense of adventure, be respectful, and get ready to create unforgettable memories in this captivating region. Safe travels and enjoy every moment!

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Are you ready to embark on an exciting adventure through the captivating Balkans? Look no further! With our specialized Balkans private tours, you can immerse yourself in the beauty and rich cultural heritage of this enchanting region. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, nature lover, or simply seeking unique experiences, our carefully crafted Balkans itinerary will take you on a memorable journey. From exploring ancient ruins to indulging in local cuisine, our Balkans trip planner ensures that every moment is filled with discovery and delight. Hop aboard the train and witness the breathtaking landscapes as you travel through the Balkans. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore the Balkans and create unforgettable memories on your Balkans vacation. Let us guide you through this incredible destination as you embrace the spirit of adventure and embrace the wonders of the Balkans.

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