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Sign Up

After creating an account, you'll be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
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* Creating an account means you're okay with our Terms of Service and Privacy Statement.
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The Story

About Us

Miki Travel is a leading travel service provider, with a wealth of experience and expertise in providing a full range of travel products. We supply our travel agent partners across Asia with tailor-made and package tours, MICE services in a host of worldwide destinations,  all backed by expert teams in a host of key locations.

Miki Travel commenced operation in 1967, when we opened a London office, to offer travel services in Europe to Japanese clients. By 1975, we had established a network of 15 offices throughout Europe.

In 1992, as Miki Travel continued growing, we set up an office in Hong Kong, to provide travel services to Asian markets. This is now the headquarters of Miki Travel (Asia). We since expanded our footprint to span Asia, and the expansion is still ongoing.

During Miki Travel’s history of over 50 years, we have established strong, lasting relationships with multiple suppliers and business partners – helping us obtain the best possible rates and superb support for tours. Throughout, we have adapted to changes, responding to market demands by developing our staff and adopting advanced technologies – and we continue doing so, such as by introducing virtual and hybrid event solutions and representative services.

Clients depend on us for our integrity, cost-effectiveness and reliability, along with our focus on security and safety in uncertain times. Crucially, we work to build strong long-term partnerships with our suppliers and our clients – with you.

For up-to-date news and information, please find us on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook


why partner with Us


We aim to deliver the best possible travel products and services.

Providing novel experiences

We are continually adding destinations and travel activities.

Personalised service

By understanding our clients’ unique needs, particularly in Asia, we recommend ideal solutions.

Peace of mind

We strive to ensure that tours and events run smoothly, with backup always available.

Speedy responses

We provide swift responses with estimated budgets.

Competitive pricing

You can be assured of competitive pricing from Miki Travel

Miki Travel Sales Offices

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