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Essence of Serbia (3EURS20)

8 Days
Availability : Mar - Dec 2024
Max People : 4
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City


Price Includes

  • Reference price is per pax price when 4 pax travelling together
  • Private roundtrip airport and station transfer (wagon)
  • Private transportation services for tours as stated in the itinerary (2 pax-sedan 3-4 pax wagon)
  • 7 nights accommodation in 4* hotel with full breakfast
  • English Speaking guide for tours as stated in the itinerary (other languages available, subject for confirmation):
  • Belgrade
  • Novi Sad
  • Nis
  • Vrnjacka Banja
  • Entrance Fee:
  • Tito Tomb
  • Petrovaradin Catacombs
  • Viminacium
  • Boat to Tejika
  • Golubac Fortress
  • Resava Cave
  • Zica Monastery
  • Studenica Monastery

Price Excludes

  • Porterage at the Airport/Station and Hotel
  • Airport and Station assistance (arrival and departure)
  • Meals: Lunch and Dinner
  • Tips for guides and drivers
  • Airticket


  • None

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Belgrade (4N): Belgrade City Hotel (4*)
  • Kladovo (1N): Aquastar Hotel (4*)
  • Nis (1N): Ambasador Hotel (5*)
  • Kopaonik (1N): Kraljevi Cardaci Spa (4*)

Terms & Conditions


Day 1Belgrade

Belgrade arrival.
Welcome to the capital of Serbia – Belgrade! After your immigration formalities, meet your driver for your direct transfer to the hotel.

Day 2Belgrade - Novi Sad - Zrenjanin - Belgrade

Start of 6 days Private through-Van service.
Travel north to the city of Novi Sad. Arrive at Novi Sad Liberty Square which is surrounded by important buildings including the City Hall and Roman Catholic Church of the Name of Mary. See the Serbian Orthodox Congregational Church of Saint George, the Platoneum, the building of the former Serbian Orthodox Grammar School, Saint Nicholas’ Church, and the Novi Sad Synagogue. Depart the city center and head to Petrovaradin Fortress, located on the banks of the Danube River. Admire this famous symbol of the city and explore the grounds. Enjoy the views and surroundings of one of the most iconic locations in Serbia. Visit the Petrovardin Catacombs.
Head back to Belgrade afterwards with a short photo-stop in Zrenjanin. Formerly named Petrovgrad during the era of the kingdom of Yugoslavia, Zrenjanin is located in the historical region of Banat.

Day 3Belgrade - Viminacium - Golubac - Lepinski - Kladovo

From Belgrade, travel to Viminacium and visit the Roman Archaeological Park. Situated on the confluence of Danube and Mlava rivers, the Viminacium archeological park is home to the ancient ruins of a powerful Roman settlement.
Onwards to Golubac to visit the Fortress, one of the best preserved medieval fortresses in Europe. The Fortress represented an important military border stronghold, built purposely in response to the military and strategic significance of the area.
Proceed to Lepinski for a boat tour to Tejika.
After the boat tour, board your private Van for transfer and overnight in Kladovo.

Day 4Kladovo - Jelovac - Nis

Head to the East and stop for a guided visit of Resava Cave, one of the largest cave systems in Serbia. The interior of the cave consists of numerous and varied halls, channels, galleries, columns, stalactites, stalagmites, draperies and flowstone waterfalls.
Afterwards, reboard your private van and proceed to Nis.
Upon arrival, meet your guide for a tour of Nis, Emperor Constantine’s birthplace. After exploring the city and listening to the story about this famous Roman emperor, the tour continues to Skull tower, where you will learn about The First Serbian uprising against Ottomans in 19th century and its victims. Visit the Cathedral, Photostop in Nis Fortress, King Milan Square, and Tinkers Alley.
overnight in Nis.

Day 5Nis - Vrnjacka Banja - Zica - Brezova - Kapaonik

Travel to Vrnjacka Banja. Meet your guide to explore this health resort in the heart of Serbia. Known from antiquity as the favorite destination of aristocracy, VrnjaÄŤka Banja (eng. VrnjaÄŤka spa) is popular nowadays for its springs of water with healthy features.
Onwards to Zica and visit the Monastery, this 13th century Serbian Orthodox monastery is a must-visit for those who want to learn more of the history of the Serbian Orthodox church. It was built by the first King of Serbia, Stefan the First-Crowned and the first Head of the Serbian Church, Saint Sava.
Stop in Brezova for a visit to Studenica Monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest and richest Serbian Orthodox monastery.
After the tour, proceed to Kapaonik and spend the night.

Day 6Kapaonik - Belgrade

After check out, reboard your private van for a comfortable drive to Belgrade.
Check in to your hotel upon arrival.

Day 7Belgrade

Today, we will learn more about the capital of Serbia. Enjoy a tour of the city with your local guide, who will show you the highlights, including a visit to Belgrade Fortress, St. Sava’s Temple, Tomb of Tito and Belgrade Cathedral. Stop in Kalemegdan Park, Belgrade Waterfront, Republic Square, Slavjia Square, and Knez Mihajlova Street, a pedestrian street with historical buildings protected by law as one of the oldest and most notable landmarks of the city.

Day 8Belgrade

Belgrade departure.
At your desired time, meet your driver at the lobby for private transfer to the airport.


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