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9D8N Ethiopia Historical Tour (WWT22259)

9 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024
Max People : 8
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City

Addis Ababa

Price Includes

  • 8 nights accommodation
  • 2 Days Vehicle in Bahir Dar
  • Vehicle from Bahir Dar to Gonder
  • Vehicle in Gonder
  • Vehicle for a day trip to Simien Mountain
  • 1 Day Vehicle in Axum
  • 2 Days Vehicle in Lalibela
  • Escort Guide fee (English Speaking)
  • Farewell Dinner
  • Entrance fees
  • Local guide fees
  • Full Day Boat Trip on Lake Tana
  • Scout
  • Mineral water
  • Transfer in and out
  • City tour of Addis

Price Excludes

  • Domestic flight ticket for clients and the Escort guide
  • Lunch and dinner THROUGHOUT THE TRIP, except Farewell Dinner
  • Alcoholic drinks and drinks off mealtime
  • Video camera and photographic fee
  • Porters fee
  • Tips and any other expenses described above and related to personal nature

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Addis Ababa: Intercontinental Hotel or Bole Ambassador Hotel or similar
  • Bahir Dar: Abay Minch Lodge or Tana Hotel or similar
  • Gondar: Goha Hotel or AG Gonder Hotel or similar
  • Axum: Sabean Hotel or similar
  • Lalibela: Marlibela Hotel or Roha Hotel or similar

Terms & Conditions

  • No cancellation or refund


Arrival in Addis Abeba, reception at the airport and transfer to your hotel. Time permitting, start the city tour in Addis Abeba. The visit includes the National Museum, one of the most important sub- Saharan museums in all of Africa. The museum is home to the fossilized humanoid Lucy, as well as an amazing collection of artifacts, royal items and art. Then we visit the Ethnological.

Museum, which was the former palace of Haile Selassie. And then we take time in Holy Trinity Cathedral. The Cathedral contains the thrones and the tombs of the emperor and some of the royal family.



Early morning transfer to the airport for your flight to Bahir Dar and upon arrival check in to your hotel and drive to Blue Nile Falls, some 30-km from the town. A 20-minute walk brings us to the falls themselves, which are at their most spectacular during and after the rainy season (from about June to January). Here the Blue Nile, which contributes 85% of the main Nile flow, starts its long journey to the Mediterranean. Lunch at your hotel. After noon, a city tour of Bahir Dar. The city tour includes, Woito village, it is 2km west of town the people are known for their production of Tankwa boats. Then continue to the former palace of Emperor Haile Selassie at Bezawit, with great views of the town and the place where the Blue Nile flows out of the lake, and then the markets.


After breakfast start your Full day boat trip excursion on Lake Tana (some of the ancient monasteries that have been built around lake Tana, or on the many islands These includes Dek Stephanos with its priceless collection of icons as well as the remains of several medieval emperors Kebran Gabriel (closed to women) and Ura KidaneMihret with its famous frescoes.


Breakfast and departure to Gondar by asphalt road (170 KM 3 hours’ drive). Check in at hotel and drive to 4 season’s restaurant for lunch to begin with visits to the city classified as a World Heritage site. Gondar was the capital of the kingdom of Abyssinia under the reign of Emperor Fasil (Fasiledes) who built castles, churches and medieval style bathrooms in the 17th c. For 200 years it was the imperial residence and met both the relative greatness of the early emperors as the decline of their past. In the mid-nineteenth century the emperor Teodoros burned the city in retaliation for its people could not forgive that did not have royal blood. You will never again be the capital. Visit the Church of Debre Berhan Selassie, Ethiopia’s most famous and painted ceiling with cherubs. We continue with the castles of the imperial city (Fassil Ghebbi), Fasil baths (Fasiledes) and Kuskuam complex.


Drive to semien mountain national park registered as world heritage sites by UNESCO and on arrival walk around the park to admire the scenic view of the Semien mountain National Park and see the endemic Chilada baboon as well as endemic plants and back to Gondar.

Day 6AXUM (B)

Breakfast. Early flight to Axum. Trsf to htl and leave luggage. Than visits (Stella park, queen of Shiba baths, palace, churches of St Mary…). Back at hotel, free time.


Morning attends Hosanna festival in Axum and transfer to the Axum airport for your flight to Lalibela and transfer to your hotel (35 minutes). Check in to your hotel and you will have your lunch at the hotel .Afternoon you will visit all rock-hewn church of Lalibela (King Lalibela is created by the foundation of the 11 rock hewn churches in the 12th century. One of the world’s most incredible man made creations, they are a lasting monument mans faith in God. These remarkable edifices were carved out of the solid, in a region where the rugged landscape, still protects the churches from mass tourism. The 11 main churches are found in and around the town of Lalibela.


Morning, drive to visit Yimrehane Kristos, 11th century Monastery, which is located on the hillside of Abune Yosef, which is 42 km by road ( 1 hour drive and trek 20 minutes to the church . It is a built up a cave church under a natural cave and it is internally and externally decorated with wood carving and paintings on its ceiling. There is a separate building that is situated in front of the main church building, which is believed to be the palace of King Yimrehane Kristos.Back to your hotel for lunch. In the afternoon visit church complex again, then free time.


Fly back to Addis. Up on arrival check in to your hotel for a day use and Farewell dinner at one of the most famous Ethiopian traditional restaurant. (Day room included)



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