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8D7N Golden Triangle – Beijing, Xian, Shanghai (ECT222116)

8 Days
Availability : Apr - Nov 2024
Max People : 8
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City

Beijing, Shanghai

Price Includes

  • Tours and transfers with licenced English-speaking guiding services / assistance. Other languages are on request and are subject to availability
  • Accommodation in sharing twin / double in mentioned hotels
  • Transportation for tour and transfers by air-conditioned vehicle, unless otherwise stated
  • All entrance fees for visits as mentioned in the program
  • All applicable taxes and service charges
  • All meals as indicated in the program (food only)
  • Domestic air tickets in economy class as indicated in the programme excluding airport tax and fuel surcharge (about USD30/pax)
  • Train tickets in second class (for high-speed trains) or soft sleeper (for overnight trains) where indicated in the programme

Price Excludes

  • Personal expenses such as other meals, drinks, tips and gratuities, shopping, portage fees and optional tours/ visits, unless otherwise stated
  • Any international airline tickets, airport taxes, visa fees, specific camera / video fees, additional transportation cost from and to the general pick-up / drop-off regions (such as airports, out-of-town resorts, ports, harbours and accommodation in surrounding towns)
  • Any accommodation expenses of a personal nature. This includes (compulsory festive) meals and drinks, mini-bar consumption, laundry, room service, any telephone or other communication cost not mentioned in the program
  • Visa fee for China
  • International travel and medical insurance coverage for customers
  • Voluntary carbon emission compensation: USD 1.50 per person per day

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Beijing: Xin Qiao Hotel or similar
  • Xian: Xi’an Grand Park Hotel
  • Shanghai: Metro Park Hotel

Terms & Conditions

  • Please click here!
  • Domestic air tickets are non-refundable once issued. You are obliged to pay full airfare (inclusive of any tax and fuel surcharge) of any cancelled tickets based on contract rate. No tickets will be issued without your written confirmation.

Day 1Beijing Arrival (NO MEALS)

Our intrepid adventure begins in the bustling capital Beijing.

We will receive a warm welcome from our guide at the airport before transferring to the hotel.
We then have the rest of the day at leisure to settle into our new surroundings.

Day 2Beijing (B/L)

Discover Beijing’s rich heritage as we step back in time to an era when mystery and incredible power reigned.

We start at Tiananmen Square and get an overview of China’s communist history on a tour of the vast array of halls and monuments. This is the symbolic heart of China and it can accommodate one million people.

We then embark on an in-depth exploration of the Forbidden City, the power base of Chinese emperors for centuries. This contains the Imperial Palace Museum which details the history of each dynasty, represented in four palatial halls with antiques and treasures from the Ming to the Qing dynasties. This was the ceremonial and political centre of government for almost 500 years.

In the afternoon, we take a 40 minute transfer and explore the Summer Palace. This UNESCO World Heritage Site comprises walkways, gardens, palaces and lakes, stroll around and admire the beauty of the setting along with the ancient architectural structures and collections of cultural relics.

Breakfast is at the hotel. Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 3Beijing (B/L)

This morning in Beijing takes us to the Temple of Heaven which was founded in the 15th century. This features a complex of fine buildings set in gardens, surrounded by pine woods. The layout and the individual buildings symbolize the relationship between heaven and earth – the god’s world and the human world – and the special role played by emperors within this association. The temple provides a unique opportunity to see the capital’s past and present exist in cohesion side-by-side.

Then we embark on a 90 minute scenic drive to the Mutianyu section of the wall, which is less visited than the famous Badaling stretch.

Day 4Beijing - Xian (B)

We head to the train station and embark on a four-hour-plus train journey from Beijing to Xi’an, travelling in second class.

Upon arrival, we transfer to the hotel, with the rest of the day at leisure.

Day 5Xian (B/L)

We explore Xi’an’s ancient historic past that dates back over 3,000 years, as we discover the Terra Cotta Warriors.

A highlight of the tour is the acclaimed site of the Terracotta Warriors which consists of 8,000 figures built under the order of the emperor to accompany him to the afterlife.

In the afternoon, we visit a terracotta replication factory to observe how craftsmen replicate the iconic statues at the UNESCO listed site.

Breakfast is at the hotel. Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 6Xian - Shanghai (B/L)

Discover Shanghai’s rich treasure chest of architectural styles in China’s most dynamic city.

We board a flight from Xi’an and on arrival transfer to Shanghai Old Street, we visit Yu Garden which is a prime example of a classical Chinese garden that dates back to 1559. This tranquil world of bamboo groves, koi-filled ponds and Ming Dynasty pavilions remains a serene sanctuary in contemporary times. We then enjoy tea in a close-by facility.

After this cultural exploration we head to Tianzifang, a network of alleyways filled with cafes, bars and boutiques. We round the day off with a stroll past the European style villas and buildings of the Former French Concession.

We then proceed to the famous Bund, a waterfront promenade lined with European-style buildings.
Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 7Shanghai (B)

All day at leisure to explore this pulsating metropolis.

Shanghai is China’s largest city and its main financial hub. At its heart is the Bund, a waterfront promenade lined with European-style buildings. Across the Huangpu River is Pudong’s ultramodern skyline, including the 632-metre high Shanghai Tower. For culture, Yu Garden has traditional pavilions and ponds. This is a destination that radiates affluence with glitzy shopping malls, high-end hotels and prestigious art centres, all serviced by the world’s longest subway system. Exploration will reveal celebrity restaurants, designer flagship stores and a wealth of leisure opportunities.

Day 8Shanghai Departure (B)

All good things must come to an end and today sees our eight-day adventure draw to a close.

Before transferring to the airport for our onward flight, we may have time to embark on some, independent, solo sight-seeing.


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