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6D5N Beyond the South of Clouds in Yunnan (ECT222115)

6 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024
Max People : 8
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City


Price Includes

  • Tours and transfers with licenced English-speaking guiding services / assistance. Other languages are on request and are subject to availability
  • Accommodation in sharing twin / double in mentioned hotels
  • Transportation for tour and transfers by air-conditioned vehicle, unless otherwise stated
  • All entrance fees for visits as mentioned in the program
  • All applicable taxes and service charges
  • All meals as indicated in the program (food only)

Price Excludes

  • Personal expenses such as other meals, drinks, tips and gratuities, shopping, portage fees and optional tours/ visits, unless otherwise stated
  • Any meals as not indicated in program
  • Porterage at the airport and at the hotels (in and out)
  • Visa fee for China
  • Voluntary carbon emission compensation: USD 1.50 per person per day

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Cachet Boutique Hotel or similar
  • Yuanyang Oness Resort or similar
  • Jianshui Hanlinyuan Hotel

Terms & Conditions


Day 1Kunming Arrival (NO MEALS)

After arrival at Kunming Airport, you will be greeted by a guide and transferred to Yuantong Temple. This shrine boasts a history of over 1,200 years. Walk along a gently sloping garden path to enter the site which is different from all other Buddhist temples that are built on an elevation.

We then visit the Jingxing Bird And Flower Market, a retail area that has over 700 stores selling abundant goods, including antiques, jewellery ornaments and handicrafts.

Next is Green Lake Park, an oasis of greenery for a relaxing stroll. This site contains two long riverbanks covered in willow trees and it is dotted with vibrant lotuses. The contrast between the pale green of the willows and the array of lotus colours makes the park a popular destination for nature lovers. One can feel the freshness in the air, making this site an excellent location for a picnic, a morning walk, or time to sit and reflect.

Day 2Kunming - Shilin - Yuangyang (B/L)

Prepare to be transported to a geological wonderland on today’s tour.

The Stone Forest is a mass of karst limestone formations shaped by over 270 million years of seismic activity and water and wind erosion. The stones resemble stalagmites and caves, ponds, waterfalls and an underground river have formed over the years, giving the area the illusion of a forest.

This particular type of stone includes tower, pinnacle and cone karst formations and this has created natural bridges and gorges over an area of 400 sq-km. Legend has it the forest is the birthplace of Ashima, a beautiful girl of the Yi people who lived in the area. After falling in love she was forbidden to marry her chosen suitor and turned to stone, according to the folklore.

Following the transfer to Yuanyang, we take a walk around the old town to get a feel for the locale.

Lunch is at a local restaurant

Day 3Yuanyang (B/L)

Fall in love with the surreal emerald curves of giant terraced rice paddies on today’s inspirational excursion.

We get an early start to catch the sunrise at Duoyishu Rice Terrace. Surrounded by mountains on three sides and descending down the valley on the fourth side, the terrace is a sight to behold. The scenery here provided the backdrop for the famous film Yunnan Story. When immersed in water, the fields seem like a large waterfall encircling the mountains.

We then visit the market in Shengcun to browse local goods produced by the Yi and Hani ethnic people. A visit to the Jingkou Hani Ethnic Village will introduce us to the Hani people and their mushroom-roof houses. We also view an interesting system for distributing running water in Jingkou village.

Next, we enjoy the sunset at Bada Rice Terraces. These are often described as ‘ladders to heaven,’ with over 3,700 levels, rising from 800 to 2,000 metres to create an amazing panorama.

Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 4Yuanyang - Jianshui (B/L)

Today we step back in time at a famed temple and residential compound. The Jianshui Confucius Temple was constructed in 1285 and it serves as a precious resource for the study of the history of Confucianism and traditional architecture.

Next is a visit to the Zhu Family Garden, a set of large-scale residential buildings from the Qing dynasty. The main buildings have a three vertical and four horizontal layout, which is a prime example of the classic Jianshui style. The layout of the halls and courtyards is byzantine and they resemble a maze.

We finish with a stroll in Jianshui Old Town to soak up the atmosphere. Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 5Jianshui - Kunming (B/L)

Experience slow life in Jianshui by “little train”. Taking the hundred-year-old little train to go back centuries has become a must-do when visiting Jianshui. By the little train and in the wobbly wooden compartments, you could appreciate idyllic scenery and chat about childhood memories.

The line for the metre-gauge railway sightseeing train, from Jianshui Lin’an Station to folk houses in Tuanshan. The 13km railway takes about one hour, including the stations of Lin’an, Shuanglong Bridge, Xianghui Bridge and Tuanshan.

There are abundant natural landscapes, historical and cultural resources around, such as agro-farming scenery, unique ancient bridges, temples, buildings and other cultural relics. It offers passengers idyllic farming scenery along the route and can also take them to famous scenic spots such as Shuanglong Bridge and Tuanshan folk houses.

Lunch at a local restaurant.
Drive back to Kunming in the afternoon.

Day 6Kunming Departure (B)

After breakfast we transfer to Kunming Airport for the onward flight and the conclusion of this fascinating tour.


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