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4D3N Food & Foot in Azerbaijan (WWT22216)

4 Days
Availability : Apr '23 - Dec '24
Max People : 8
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City


Price Includes

  • 3 nights accommodation at hotel with full breakfast
  • 2 lunches and 2 dinners
  • 1 bottle of wine for each guest complimentary (local wine brand)
  • Culinary master class on cooking kebab and kutabs
  • Excursion to Old City and Heydar Aliyev Center
  • Excursion to Fire Worshippers’ Temple «Ateshgah» and burning hill «Yanardag»
  • Entrance tickets to the museums as per the tour program
  • Professional English-speaking guide service within the tour
  • Full transportation services within the tour including airport-hotel-airport transfers

Price Excludes

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Medical Insurance
  • Personal expenses and expenses not mentioned
  • E-visa to Azerbaijan


  • Other language speaking guide service (e.g. Chinese speaking guide)(for entire tour / not per person)

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Baku (3*): Diplomat or Aksent or Auroom Hotel or similar
  • Baku (4*): Midtown Hotel or similar
  • Baku (5*): Theatrum Hotel, Promenade Hotel or similar

Tipping Guidelines

Suggested Tipping for Worldwide destination
Assistant for Transfer
USD5/Per Person
Driver for Transfer
USD5/Per Person
Half Day Guide
USD5/Per Person
Half Day Driver
USD5/Per Person
Full Day Guide
USD5/Per Person
Full Day Driver
USD5/Per Person
This valid for all destination under worldwide.

Terms & Conditions



– Arrival in Baku. Greeting guests at the airport, transfer and accommodation at the hotel
– Today Baku has become a modern city and an attractive destination for MICE, where future technologies and luxury hotels come hand in hand with ancient traditions, delicious food and oriental hospitality.
– After greeting the group at the Heydar Aliyev international airport, the guests will be accommodated at hotel. Taking their time at the hotel, the guests will later have a chance for the first impression of the traditional Azerbaijani cuisine. This first impression will bring one of the most picturesque city restaurants – «Gala Bazaar».
– «Gala Bazaar» is a unique creative and historical restaurant, built in the spirit of the Middle Ages. It is a venue for the dance festivals and concerts, as well as for large-scale exhibitions, performances, fashion shows and other events.
– “Main course: Lamb kebab
– One of the most ancient dishes of the East is lamb kebab. It is considered a traditional dish of the Eastern and Caucasian cuisine. During the frying process, the meat absorbs the amazing smell of wood, smoking, thereby acquiring an amazing aroma and taste. Marinated meat cooked on the wood or charcoal may rightfully be named a real kebab. The dish is served along with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and herbs.”

Day 2BAKU (B/L/D)

– Breakfast at the hotel
– Visiting Highland Park and Old City. The history of the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, goes back to antiquity, although the precise date of its origin is still unknown. The territory of the Absheron Peninsula, where the city is located, has a favorable geographical position: a calm bay, a warm dry climate, fertile soil and natural resources. Therefore, the emergence of the ancient settlements here was quite natural. Highland Park is located on a hill in the Western part of the city. This is the best spot to overview the city itself, along with the Baku Bay and the Seaside Boulevard, which celebrated its 110th anniversary in 2019. Further, the guests will get acquainted with the Old City, which is called «Icheri Sheher». Many historical and architectural monuments are concentrated on its territory, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, the symbol of the city of Baku – Maiden Tower, Caravanserais, mosques, etc.
– “Lunch at «Dolma» restaurant.
Main course: Dolma / Stuffed grape leaves
Dolma is a unique traditional dish that consists of grape leaves stuffed with boiled minced lamb meat and rice. The name of the dish, «dolma», is common to several Turkic languages and it has a meaning «to fill» or «to stuff».”
– Our tour goes on with a visit to the Heydar Aliyev Center. The Heydar Aliyev Center was built by world-famous architect Zaha Hadid. An internationally recognized architectural work, the building of the Heydar Aliyev Center has become a signature landmark of modern Baku due to its innovative and cutting-edge design. The Center achieved a famous «Design of the Year Award» back in 2014. Extending on eight floor levels, the center accommodates a 1000-seat auditorium, temporary exhibition spaces, a conference center, workshops, and a museum.
– Return to the hotel
– “Dinner at «Shirvanshah» restaurant.
Main course: Azerbaijani pilaf with chestnuts and meat.
This kind of pilaf is slightly different from the ones made in Central Asia or Turkey.
First comes the rice cooked in a special way, and then, the accompanying dishes as the additions to the main one. Onion chopped into half rings with the addition of turmeric is fried in ghee, over the low heat. Meanwhile, the meat is cooked separately in salted water. At the end of cooking, the meat is sprinkled with fried onions, dried cherry plums and fried chestnuts.”

Day 3BAKU (B/L)

– Breakfast at the hotel
– On the territory of Azerbaijan, called «The Land of Fire», there is a «burning mountain», «Yanardag». It is one of the most amazing natural attractions of the Absheron Peninsula. Yanardag is a flaming mountain slope that cannot be extinguished either by rain or covered with sand, which has been burning for several millennia. The fiery landscape can be explained very simply: natural gas is released from the upper layers of the soil. When it comes into contact with oxygen, it turns into a flame. Lots of legends are associated with this mountain slope, so the locals and the pilgrims from all over the world still consider Yanardag a sacred place of worship.
– “Next on our tour is the Temple of Fire Worshipers – «Ateshgah»
Azerbaijan is one of a few places on Earth where even today you may find elements of the fire cult and the remains of the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism. These places, where oil oozes from the ground and natural gas bursts out into flaming torches, have always attracted fire worshipers from all over the world. Baku, its oil, «the burning land» have been known far beyond its borders since ancient times. The official religion in the reigns that arose in the 7th century BC, such as Manna and Media, was Zoroastrianism. The spread of this religion was related to the self-igniting sources of oil and gas.”
– Culinary master class and lunch
– “After visiting the sights of Absheron peninsula, the male part of the group will have a chance to acquire unique skills in making kebabs under the guidance of a professional chef who will teach the cooking basics in the best traditions of Azerbaijani cuisine.
For the ladies of the group there will be a master class on cooking kutabs, thin dough cakes with meat or vegetable filling.”
– “Main course: Lula kebab
Lula kebab is a type of kebab made from minced lamb seasoned with spices. First, minced meat is placed in the fridge for 20-30 minutes. Then a lula in the form of sausage is formed from minced meat and strung on a skewer. Lula kebab is cooked on the grill over the hot coals and with no flame. When kebab is ready, it is wrapped in pita bread (lavash bread) and garnished with onions and herbs.”
– Return to the hotel and free time


– Breakfast at the hotel
– After the check-out from the hotel, the group will have a convenient transfer to the Heydar Aliyev international airport. Depending on the time of departure, there is a chance to visit colorful Eastern Bazaar called «Yashil Bazar». The guests may buy some dried fruits, traditional Azerbaijani tea, nuts and sweets there.
– Transfer to the Baku International Airport for departure back to your hometown.



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