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3D2N Gorillas in the Fog (WWT22258)

3 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024
Max People : 5
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City


Price Includes

  • Airport transfers
  • Ground transport per private 4WD safari vehicle
  • English speaking driver/guide
  • Accommodation in places mentioned in the itinerary
  • Meals as described in the itinerary
  • Bottled mineral water in the safari vehicle
  • Activities and excursions mentioned in the program
  • AMREF Flying Doctor Insurance
  • Gorilla Permit

Price Excludes

  • Visa charges
  • International flight
  • Meals and drinks not mentioned above
  • Items of personal nature
  • Tips for guide & driver

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Rwanda: Tiloreza Volcanoes Ecolodge or similar (Full board)

Terms & Conditions

  • No cancellation or refund


Arrival at Kigali International airport, depending on the time of arrival- you may take up a city tour of Kigali including a visit to the Genocide Memorial site a grim reminder of a senseless massacre of innocent’s lives in 1994. Learn about Rwanda’s history from pre-colonial times to the 1994 genocide and others around the world.

Afterwards, depart to Ruhengeri the base for Gorilla trekking at the Parc National des Volcans. The town itself, located only 25km from Uganda border, is relatively a small city. The constant flow of humanity is quite remarkable. The Town has great views of the surrounding volcanoes. People are very friendly here and although a former Belgian colony (and thus French-speaking), many people speak English here.

Depending on the time you arrive, you may have time enough to explore the twin lakes of Bulera and Ruhondo.



Early breakfast at your lodge.

0630 hrs: transfer to the Volcanoes National Park HQs.

0700 hrs: Registration, where the park staff determines which group of gorillas you will visit. The park staff discusses your fitness level and advises you of the trekking times and conditions to the various groups based upon their location in the park the previous evening. There are a total of 80 gorilla permits available each day with a maximum of eight trekkers visiting any one group. Once the trekkers are put into groups, each group’s Lead Guide briefs the trekkers of the trekking procedures as well as the “do’s and don’ts” while in the presence of gorillas.

After the briefing, trekkers return to their respective vehicles for the drive up the mountain to the starting point. Porters may be hired for the trek to carry your backpack and gear. The cost, US$10 per person/per day. We advise that you utilize this service.

Please remember to bring your passport for registration, appropriate, water proof hiking boots and a light rain coat. To protect from stinging nettles, we recommend long pants and long sleeved tops. A pair of old gardening gloves can help grabbing onto the vegetation while most hotels/lodges provide a walking stick that come in very handy especially when hiking downhill. A small waterproof backpack is an excellent idea to carry a light snack, bottled water as well as protection for your camera.

After the trek, join your driver guide for a transfer back to your lodge.


Either in the morning or the afternoon, you will enjoy the scenic drive back to Kigali and proceed to the airport for your departure flight.

End of services.

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