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12D11N UNESCO Heritage Central Tour | Beijing, Datong, Pingyao, Xian, Chengdu & Leshan (ECT222121)

12 Days
Availability : Apr - Nov 2024
Max People : 8
Tour Details

Tour Code


Departure & Return City

Beijing, Chengdu

Price Includes

  • Tours and transfers with licenced English-speaking guiding services / assistance. Other languages are on request and are subject to availability
  • Accommodation in sharing twin / double in mentioned hotels
  • Transportation for tour and transfers by air-conditioned vehicle, unless otherwise stated
  • High speed train in second class as indicated in the program
  • All entrance fees for visits as mentioned in the program
  • All applicable taxes and service charges
  • All meals as indicated in the program (food only)

Price Excludes

  • Personal expenses such as other meals, drinks, tips and gratuities, shopping, portage fees and optional tours/ visits, unless otherwise stated
  • Any meals as not indicated in program
  • Porterage at the airport and at the hotels (in and out)
  • Visa fee for China
  • Voluntary carbon emission compensation: USD 1.50 per person per day

Based on hotels or similar:

  • Beijing: Beijing Novotel Peace Hotel or similar
  • Datong: Datong Hotel or similar
  • Pingyao: Pingyao Yide Boutique Hotel or similar
  • Xian: Xi’an Grand Barony Hotel or similar
  • Chengdu: Chengdu Buddha Zen Boutique Hotel or similar

Terms & Conditions


Day 1Beijing (NO MEALS)

After arrival at Beijing International Airport, you will be greeted by a guide and transferred to the hotel.

The opportunity exists to relax in the hotel, or embark on some solo exploration of your new surroundings.

This heritage excursion includes an introduction to highlights in Beijing, ahead of exploring the core cultural offerings of the Middle Kingdom. We take in the vast space of Tiananmen Square and the palatial Forbidden City, plus the Summer Palace. A visit to the Great Wall of China will inspire history buffs and the Temple of Heaven will provide an insight into the relationship between heaven and earth. The Yungang Grottoes contain Buddhist statues within caves, while the Hanging Temple defies gravity. Nearby, the Yingxian Wooden Pagoda is the oldest and tallest wooden multi-storey building in the world. The ancient city of Ping Yao provides the flavour of a traditional Han town, while the Terracotta Warriors of Xi’an are unique exhibits on this planet. We finish up at a ground-breaking panda research centre, followed by a view of the largest Buddhist statue in the world.

Day 2Beijing (B/L/D)

Today we visit the top three sites in Beijing.

Tiananmen Square is the symbolic heart of China and a gathering place for the masses. It is one of the largest public squares in the world, with the capacity to accommodate one million people. Our walk includes iconic landmarks including the Great Hall of the People and the towering 125-foot granite obelisk, a monument to the People’s Heroes who died in the 1911 Revolution that formed the People’s Republic of China.

Next up is the Forbidden City. This was an inner sanctum and a power base for numerous Chinese rulers. This contains a 9,000-room maze of courtyards and ceremonial halls where 24 successive emperors lived. Commoners were kept out of this site for nearly 500 years.

The final stop of the day is the Summer Palace. Built in 1888, this was once a summer retreat and an imperial park for the rulers of the land. We then enjoy a lakeside cruise on Kunming Lake, with views of the hills, bridges and pagodas that grace the palace grounds and the wider area.

For dinner we enjoy the classic Chinese dish of Peking duck. Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 3Beijing (B/L)

Today begins with a trip to the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China – the longest fully restored segment open to tourists.

This area is quieter, with less visitor buses and the landscape is covered with vegetation, adding to the rural charm of the countryside. This portion of the wall was built over 1,400 years ago and strengthened in 1404. Today it is a replica of the fortifications of 1568, completed during the Ming Dynasty. This section is also notable for the parapets that enabled soldiers to fire arrows at the enemy from both sides of the fortification.

The design of the Mutianyu section is considered to be one of the most architecturally rich of the entire wall, with 23 watchtowers rebuilt in their original style. Our transport up is via cable car, while the trip down is by a thrilling toboggan ride.

We also head to the Ming Tombs, situated at the foot of Tianshou Mountain, to see the mausoleums of 13 emperors of this dynasty.

Day 4Beijing - Datong (B/L)

Our fascinating excursion today takes us to the Temple of Heaven, a structure containing a sacrificial altar that emperors used during rituals to pray for an abundant harvest.

This UNESCO World Heritage temple symbolises Chinese ideas about the origin of the universe, especially the relationship between the human and heavenly world. Emperors were considered the link between the two. The layout and design of this temple influenced architecture across the Far East for centuries. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is the main attraction. This is a triple-gabled circular building composed of three levels with a marble stone base. The temple was constructed during the Ming era and it was initiated by the same emperor responsible for the creation of the Forbidden City.

We then transfer to the station for the rapid train to Datong where we overnight. Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 5Datong (B/L)

Witness the grandeur of Buddhist cave art from the 5th and 6th centuries on today’s enlightening tour.

We head to the Yungang Grottoes, an attraction comprising of 53 caves and 51,000 statues. This site stretches from the southern foot of Wuzhou Hill and sprawls for over a kilometre. The caves include solemn statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva.

In the afternoon, we visit Shanhua Temple, a shrine that has remained intact over the centuries. We finish the day at Nine-Dragon Wall. This was built in the early Ming era and consists of a screen of glazed tiles that remain in remarkable condition. At 45-metres long and eight metres high, the dragons are carved in a life-like manner and glazed in yellow, blue, purple and white.

Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 6Datong - Pingyao (B/L)

Our exploration today takes us to the Hanging Temple, one of the world’s most overlooked wonders.

Built in 491 A.D., this temple clings to a crag on Hengshan Mountain and it appears to defy gravity. The structure is kept in place with oak crossbeams fitted into holes chiselled into the cliff side. The structure consists of 40 rooms connected by a byzantine array of passageways. Unusual for a Chinese temple, it is not dedicated to just one faith and Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are all respected at this shrine.

Next, we head to Yingxian Wooden Pagoda, a structure that dates back to 1056 A.D., and this is the oldest and tallest wooden multi-storey structure in the world. Considered a masterpiece because it was built without nails or rivets, the pagoda is in the shape of an octagon, with nine-storeys and six eaves.

Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 7Pingyao - Xian (B/L)

Today’s enlightening itinerary involves a full-day tour of the city of Pingyao.

Founded in the 14th century, this is one of four ancient cities that have been preserved in China. It is an excellent example of a traditional Han Chinese city. After passing the entrance gates, alleyways unfold that overlook traditional buildings, courtyard houses, temples and a multitude of shops. In the Ming era it was an important trading centre and in the Qing era it became the most important financial hub in China. The nearly 4,000 remaining shops and traditional dwellings bear witness to Ping Yao’s economic predominance for over a century. In 1997 it was awarded UNESCO World Heritage Site status. We end the day with a Chinese noodle cooking class in Ping Yao.

Our schedule involves a transfer to the station to catch a rapid train to Xi’an. Lunch is at a local restaurant.

Day 8Xian (B/L)

Today we head to one of the world’s greatest archaeological finds, with exploration of the Terracotta Warriors of Xi’an.

These figures were discovered by chance in 1974 by a group of farmers digging a well on the outskirts of town. The sculptures of soldiers, chariots and horses were created to accompany China’s first emperor to the afterlife. The soldiers all vary in rank, posture, height, uniform and facial features and it is believed there are abundant warriors, horses and chariots still buried in three other sunken pits.

In the afternoon, we head to the Small Wild Goose Pagoda, followed by a trip to the historic walled centre of Xi’an to see the impressive Great Mosque. Dinner is a special Chinese ravioli dish at a renowned restaurant.

Day 9Xian - Chengdu (B/D)

We travel back to the Three Kingdoms era today, with a trip to Jinli Street in Chengdu where we view a venerable temple and a commercial hub.

Jinli Street is known as the first street of the Shu Kingdom and it has become a favourite snacking hub. There are regular performances on this thoroughfare, including folk music, dramas and costume shows.

The Wuhou Memorial Temple features relics from the famed Three Kingdoms period in memory of Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei and other heroes of this era. Built in 223 A.D., the temple is famed for its Chinese architecture and spectacular garden.

We will finish the day with a visit to the lush Renmin Park. Our schedule includes a transfer to the station to catch the rapid train to Chengdu, where we overnight. Dinner is a hot pot dish at a local restaurant.

Day 10Chengdu (B/L)

The highlight of any visit to Chengdu is a stop at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, which we undertake in the morning.

This research facility was founded in 1987 and operations started with just six rescued pandas. The researchers have not taken any pandas from the wild for two decades as the focus is on the conservation of the wild population and the healthy growth of the captive population. The genetic diversity of the panda population is sustained by the exchange of preserved genetic material with other facilities, so this centre has a critical role in safeguarding this endangered species. We get the rare chance to see these adorable creatures up close.

We continue to the Sanxingdui Museum to view its remarkable collection of bronze artefacts. The museum houses over 4,000 relics, some of which are estimated to be 3,000 to 5,000 years-old. Based on these findings, this area is considered to be the origin of the Yangtze Civilisation.

Day 11Chengdu - Leshan - Chengdu (B/L)

Our adventure takes us to the amazing Leshan Buddha – the largest Buddha statue in the world.

We leave the hotel after breakfast and drive to the River Minjiang to board a boat and cruise to this impressive 71 metres tall sculpture situated at the confluence of the Minjiang, Dadu and Qingyi rivers. The 8th century monument took 90 years to carve into the cliff face and it was initiated by Chinese monk Hai Tong who hoped it would calm the turbulent waters that plagued vessels in the adjoining rivers. The placement of stone from the cliff into the water during the massive construction project is said to have achieved this aim as the passage became smoother. This UNESCO listed image attracts scores of pilgrims every day, especially as this area was prominent in the introduction of Buddhism to China. The first Buddhist temple in the country was built adjacent to the cliff that features the Leshan image. A bucolic cruise on the Min River brings the day to a close and we then transfer to Chengdu where we overnight.

Day 12Chengdu Departure (B)

After breakfast, we transfer to Chengdu Airport for the flight home and the conclusion of this inspirational tour that has revealed spiritual and cultural attractions across China.


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