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China Travel

Uncover the Mysteries of China

China Tour
Travel Facts
Travel advice
8 best places

4 Days 3 Nights Xi’an City Private Tour (ECT222106)

4 Days
Availability : Jan - Dec 2024

12D11N Kung Fu Tour in China (ECT222120)

12 Days
Availability : Apr - Nov 2024

7D6N Tibet With Local Eyes (ECT222117)

7 Days
Availability : Apr - Nov 2024

12D11N Foodie Tour in China (ECT222119)

12 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024

15D14N China Railway Pilgrimage Tour (ECT222122)

15 Days
Availability : Apr - Nov 2024

6D5N Beyond the South of Clouds in Yunnan (ECT222115)

6 Days
Availability : Apr - Dec 2024

4 Days 3 Nights Lanzhou City Private Tour (ECT222107)

4 Days
Availability : Jan - Dec 2024


China travel facts

1. Rich Cultural Heritage: China is home to one of the world’s oldest continuous civilizations, with a history spanning over 5,000 years. Its cultural heritage includes iconic landmarks, ancient traditions, and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

2. Diverse Landscapes: China boasts a vast and diverse landscape, ranging from majestic mountains like the Himalayas and the stunning karst formations in Guilin to the vast Gobi Desert and picturesque rice terraces in Longsheng.

3. Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China is an iconic symbol of the country. It stretches over 13,000 miles (21,196 kilometers) and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and offers breathtaking views.

4. Delicious Cuisine: Chinese cuisine is renowned worldwide for its diverse flavors and regional specialties. From Cantonese dim sum to Sichuan hot pot and Beijing’s famous Peking duck, there is a wide range of delicious dishes to try.

5. Modern Megacities: China is home to bustling and vibrant cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. These modern metropolises offer a blend of ancient traditions and modern architecture, vibrant markets, shopping districts, and a thriving nightlife.

6. Terracotta Army: The Terracotta Army in Xi’an is a fascinating archaeological discovery. It consists of thousands of life-sized clay soldiers, horses, and chariots that were buried with the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang.

7. Pandas: China is synonymous with giant pandas, an endangered species native to the country. Visitors can get up close to these adorable creatures at specialized panda reserves, such as Chengdu’s Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

8. High-Speed Rail Network: China has an extensive high-speed rail network, offering convenient and efficient transportation between major cities. It allows travelers to explore the country comfortably and quickly.

9. Traditional Festivals: China celebrates a variety of traditional festivals, including Chinese New Year (Spring Festival), Lantern Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival. These festivals showcase vibrant traditions, performances, and delicious food.

10. Tea Culture: Tea has a significant cultural importance in China. From delicate green tea to robust oolong and aromatic pu-erh, Chinese tea culture is deeply rooted in daily life, featuring tea ceremonies, tea houses, and tea plantations.

Best time to go to China

The best time to visit China depends on the specific regions you plan to explore and the activities you wish to engage in. Here is a general overview of the ideal times to visit different parts of China:

1. Spring (April to May) and Autumn (September to October):
– These seasons offer mild and pleasant weather across most of China.
– It is an excellent time to visit popular destinations like Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, and Guilin.
– The weather is ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing.

2. Summer (June to August):
– Summer is a peak tourist season in China, with warm to hot temperatures.
– It is a good time to explore northern regions like Inner Mongolia, Tibet, and the Silk Road.
– Coastal cities such as Qingdao, Dalian, and Xiamen have pleasant weather during this time.

3. Winter (December to February):
– Winter in China can be cold, especially in northern regions.
– It is a great time to visit Harbin for its famous Ice and Snow Festival.
– Southern regions like Hong Kong, Macau, and Hainan Island have milder winter temperatures.

4. Off-peak Season:
– If you prefer to avoid crowds and get better deals, consider visiting China during the shoulder seasons.
– March, June, and November are generally less crowded with more affordable prices.

However, do keep in mind that China is vast and experiences diverse climates. It is advisable to research the specific regions you plan to visit to determine the most suitable time for your trip. Additionally, check for any major holidays or festivals that might affect travel arrangements and availability of accommodations.


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Travel advice

Start your visit within the salmon-pink walls of the Medina of Marrakech, which contrasts with the white, jagged peaks of the nearby Atlas Mountains and serves as the inspiration for the city’s nickname, the Red City. This ancient part of Marrakech houses the famous Jemaa El Fna square that brims with food vendors selling everything from sheep’s heads to snails beneath creamy awnings. From here, allow yourself to be lured down the shadowy alleyways to souks (or markets) filled with cones of burgundy-, auburn- and citrine-hued spices exuding an aromatic haze. Stroll past the carpet sellers, with their cobalt-, jade-, and crimson-threaded merchandise, and make your way to architectural marvels like Koutoubia Mosque and the Bahia Palace. Should you desire a break from the medina’s bustling streets, retreat to a hammam (public bath) or Majorelle Garden.

When traveling to China, here are some important travel advice and tips to consider:

1. Valid Passport and Visa: Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date. Additionally, check the visa requirements for your nationality and apply for the appropriate visa well in advance.

2. Research and Plan Ahead: China is a vast country with diverse attractions. Research and plan your itinerary in advance to make the most of your trip. Consider the weather, local customs, transportation options, and any specific permits or tickets you may need for attractions.

3. Learn Basic Chinese Phrases: While English is spoken in major cities and tourist areas, knowing a few basic Chinese phrases can be helpful, especially in more remote or non-touristy locations. Carry a pocket phrasebook or use translation apps to assist in communication.

4. Follow Local Customs and Etiquette: Familiarize yourself with Chinese customs and etiquette to show respect for the local culture. For example, it is customary to greet others with a slight bow or handshake, remove shoes when entering someone’s home, and avoid sensitive topics in conversations.

5. Stay Connected: Consider getting a local SIM card or a portable Wi-Fi device to stay connected during your trip. This will enable you to navigate, use translation apps, and communicate with others more easily.

6. Health and Safety: Ensure you have travel insurance that covers medical expenses. Check if any vaccinations are recommended for your visit to China. Be cautious with street food and drink bottled water. Also, be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions to keep your belongings safe.

7. Respect Local Laws: Familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations in China. Abide by them to avoid any legal troubles. Pay attention to specific restrictions in sensitive areas or when photographing certain sites or individuals.

8. Money Matters: Carry a mix of cash and cards. Major credit cards are generally accepted in larger establishments, but it’s a good idea to have some local currency (Chinese Yuan) for smaller vendors and transportation. Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with card usage.

9. Respect Natural and Cultural Heritage: When visiting cultural or natural sites, follow the rules and guidelines to preserve the integrity of these places. Do not litter, deface, or remove any artifacts or natural resources.

Remember to check the latest travel advisories and guidelines from your government or embassy before your trip to stay informed about any safety or health concerns. Enjoy your journey and embrace the rich cultural experiences that China has to offer!

8 best places to visit in China

China is a vast country with numerous incredible destinations to explore. Here are 10 of the best places to visit in China:

1. The Great Wall of China: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Great Wall stretches over 13,000 miles and offers breathtaking views and historical significance.

2. Beijing: China’s capital city is a treasure trove of ancient and modern attractions, including the iconic Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, and the vibrant street markets of Wangfujing.

3. Shanghai: A bustling metropolis known for its futuristic skyline, Shanghai offers a blend of modernity and tradition. Visit the Bund, Yu Garden, explore the vibrant nightlife, and experience the thriving arts and culture scene.

4. Xi’an: Home to the Terracotta Army, Xi’an showcases China’s ancient history. Explore the well-preserved city walls, visit the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and savor the local cuisine.

5. Guilin and Yangshuo: Known for their stunning karst landscapes, Guilin and Yangshuo offer breathtaking scenery. Take a Li River cruise, explore the Reed Flute Cave, and cycle through the picturesque countryside.

6. Chengdu: Famous for its adorable giant pandas, Chengdu is also a city of rich cultural heritage. Visit the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, explore the historic Jinli Street, and indulge in spicy Sichuan cuisine.

7. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park: This scenic park inspired the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.” Explore the towering sandstone pillars, hike along breathtaking trails, and ride the famous Bailong Elevator.

8. Huangshan (Yellow Mountain): Known for its ethereal beauty, Huangshan offers captivating landscapes with granite peaks, ancient trees, and hot springs. Witness stunning sunrises, hike the trails, and explore the ancient villages.

These destinations represent just a fraction of the incredible places to visit in China. Each offers its own unique charm, history, and natural beauty, providing a memorable travel experience.

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